17 research outputs found

    Architectural Digital Photogrammetry

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    This study is to exploit texturing techniques of a common modelling software in the way of creating virtual models of an exist architectures using oriented panoramas. In this research, The panoramic image-based interactive modelling is introduced as assembly point of photography, topography, photogrammetry and modelling techniques. It is an interactive system for generating photorealistic, textured 3D models of architectural structures and urban scenes. The technique is suitable for the architectural survey because it is not a «point by point» survey, and it exploit the geometrical constraints in the architecture to simplify modelling. Many factors are presented to be critical features that affect the modelling quality and accuracy, such as the way and the position in shooting the photos, stitching the multi-image panorama photos, the orientation, texturing techniques and so on. During the last few years, many Image-based modelling programmes have been released. Whereas, in this research, the photo modelling programs was not in use, it meant to face the fundamentals of the photogrammetry and to go beyond the limitations of such software by avoiding the automatism. In addition, it meant to exploit the potent commands of a program as 3DsMax to obtain the final representation of the Architecture. Such representation can be used in different fields (from detailed architectural survey to an architectural representation in cinema and video games), considering the accuracy and the quality which they are vary too. After the theoretical studies of this technique, it was applied in four applications to different types of close range surveys. This practice allowed to comprehend the practical problems in the whole process (from photographing all the way to modelling) and to propose the methods in the ways to improve it and to avoid any complications. It was compared with the laser scanning to study the accuracy of this technique. Thus, it is realized that not only the accuracy of this technique is linked to the size of the surveyed object, but also the size changes the way in which the survey to be approached. Since the 3D modelling program is not dedicated to be used for the image-based modelling, texturing problems was faced. It was analyzed in: how the program can behave with the Bitmap, how to project it, how it could be an interactive projection, and what are the limitations

    Rilievo e rappresentazione delle geometrie parametriche per l’HBIM

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    Nell’analisi formale di una architettura storica si possono distinguere diverse geometrie, da quelle semplici (di muri, travi, pilastri, solai ecc.) a quelle più complesse difficilmente riconducibili a geometrie regolari (a prevalente carattere scultoreo). Vi sono alcuni elementi con geometrie complesse ma comunque traducibili per mezzo di modelli matematici. Alcune forme sono poi spesso ricorrenti, apparentemente diverse, ma riconducibili a matrici comuni, che possono essere pertanto parametrizzati. L’attività di rilievo in questi casi si esplica nel rilevare non la forma nella sua complessità ma solo gli elementi parametrici, facendo poi gli opportuni riscontri tra i parametri variabili del modello elaborato in ambiente HBIM e altri modelli ricavati da point cloud. Su questo tema è stata fatta una prima sperimentazione nel rilievo della Scala Regia in Vaticano.In the formal analysis of historical architectu- re, different geometries could be distinguished, from simple (walls, beams, columns, slabs, etc.) to more complex ones which could hardly be mo- delled through regular geometries (predominan- tly sculptural character). There are some complex geometry elements which could be processed anyway by means of mathematical models. Some forms are then often recurrent, apparently diffe- rent, but associated to common matrices, which could be therefore parameterized. In these ca- ses the survey does not concern the form in its complexity, but only the parametric elements, then creating the needed relationship between the variable parameters in the Building Informa- tion Model and other models derived from point cloud. On this topic a first experiment was made in the survey of the “Scala Regia” in the Vatican

    3D Models and Interactive Communication for Archaeology: The Nymphaeum Ponari in Cassino

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    This study is part of a broader research project on Roman Casinum archaeological heritage and includes tangible and intangible heritage. In the mid-twentieth century, a nymphaeum dating from the second half of the first century B.C. was found not far from the core of Casinum, an archaeological site, located in the modern town of Cassino in South Latium, Italy. The nymphaeum Ponari is part of a Roman villa still completely buried underground. The excavations had been carried out so far have gradually unearthed a well-preserved environment consisting of a rectangular hall with niches topped by a barrel vault. The metric data acquired in a recent digital survey made it possible to develop a virtual model reconstruction of the nymphaeum and to design an interactive communication system, on-site and off-site, linked to the nearby museum complex present at the archaeological site. The present article is focused on the documentation, interpretation, valorization and communication of archaeological heritage of the Roman Casinum city site

    Disegnare la città immaginata. Latina come laboratorio di rappresentazione urbana

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    Il laboratorio si inserisce all'interno di un percorso di ricerca finalizzato alla rappresentazione, delle trasformazioni architettoniche e urbane della città di Latina, diventando anche strumento di pianificazione. Operazione sino ad ora effettuata dalla Casa dell’Architettura di Latina con una pianta tipologica, limitando la divulgazione ai soli addetti ai lavori. L’operazione è stata di dare maggiore accessibilità ai contenuti attraverso il disegno digitale e la resa dei modelli tramite immagini e movimento, fino all’utilizzo di panorami sferici che inseriscono i progetti del passato nel presente, in una visione dinamica e interattiva.The laboratory is part of a research process aimed at the representation of the architectural and urban transformations of the city of Latina, becoming also a planning tool. So far, this operation has been carried out by the Casa dell'Architettura of Latina with a typological plan, limiting the dissemination to experts only. The operation was to give greater accessibility to the contents through digital drawing and the rendering of the models through images and movement, up to the use of spherical panoramas that insert the projects of the past into the present, in a dynamic and interactive vision

    Disegnare la Memoria. L’immagine della città attraverso la rappresentazione integrata

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    Oggi si va sempre più affermando il concetto di rigenerazione urbana come elemento guida nelle fasi di programmazione urbanistica, per questo lo studio delle trasformazioni urbane attraverso la lettura critica dei disegni di progetto è un tema di grande attualità. Le moderne tecniche di modellazione digitale integrata consentono di definire nuove interessanti metodologie di indagine in grado di mettere insieme una moltitudine di informazioni documentali. La ricerca portata avanti dalla Casa dell’Architettura di Latina parte dalla volontà di rappresentare alcuni importanti esempi della città immaginata che hanno trovato collocazione nella città reale, ma hanno subìto profonde modifiche che solo il disegno è in grado di narrare. Tale narrazione si presenta come immagini statiche e dinamiche capaci di rappresentare la città immaginata mettendo insieme architetture attuali (rilevate) con altre non tangibili (immaginate o demolite)

    Rilievo digitale dell'oratorio e sperimentazione di comunicazione interattiva

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    Il contributo riguarda l'attività di indagine fatta sull'Oratorio di Santa Maria dell'Orto sulla base di un accordo di collaborazione scientifica siglato tra l'Arciconfraternita ed il Centro di ricerca interdipartimentale della Sapienza di Roma, CRITEVAT. Viene illustrato il percorso metodologico di acquisizione dei dati digitali tramite scanner laser e fotogrammetria e la successiva elaborazione dei modelli interpretativi con alcune interessanti considerazioni sulla forma della volta a padiglione e sull'articolato disegno degli stucchi che la caratterizzano. L'attività di ricerca si pone a cavallo degli interventi di restauro svolti nel 2014 per cui la documentazione prodotta rappresenta anche una testimonianza significativa dello stato precedente i lavori. Si è quindi pensato di progettare un sistema multimediale interattivo in grado di mettere simultaneamente a confronto, con una procedura di visualizzazione on-site tramite tablet, le due fasi (pre e post) consentendo così di apprezzare i risultati dell'attività di restauro.The contribution concerns the investigation of the Oratory of Santa Maria dell'Orto on the basis of a scientific collaboration agreement signed between Arciconfraternita and the Interdisciplinary Research Center of Rome, CRITEVAT. The methodological path of digital data acquisition through laser scanning and photogrammetry is illustrated and the subsequent interpretation of interpretative models with some interesting considerations on the shape of the pavillon vault and the articulated design of the stuccos that characterize it. The research activity is based on the restoration work carried out in 2014 for which the documentation produced is also a significant testimony of the previous state of the works. It is therefore thought to design an interactive multimedia system that can simultaneously compare the two phases (pre and post) with a on-site tablet screening procedure, allowing you to appreciate the results of restoration activity

    Disegnare la Memoria. L’immagine della città attraverso la rappresentazione integrata

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    Today, the concept of urban regeneration as a guide in the early stages of urban planning is increasingly affirming. for this reason, the study of urban transformation through the critical reading of the drawings of the project, it is a very topical issue. Modern techniques of integrated digital modeling allows to define new and interesting research methodologies capable to gather a multitude of documentary information. The research carried out by the House of Architecture in Latina started planing to represent some important examples of the imagined city that have found place in the real city, but have undergone profound changes that only the design is able to narrate. This narrative is presented as static and dynamic images capable to represent the imagined city by bringing together current architectures (surveyed) with other non-tangible (imagined or scrapped).Oggi si va sempre più affermando il concetto di rigenerazione urbana come elemento guida nelle fasi di programmazione urbanistica per questo lo studio delle trasformazioni urbane attraverso la lettura critica dei disegni di progetto, è un tema di grande attualità. Le moderne tecniche di modellazione digitale integrata consentono di definire nuove interessanti metodologie di indagine in grado di mettere insieme una moltitudine di informazioni documentali. La ricerca portata avanti dalla Casa dell’Architettura di Latina parte dalla volontà di rappresentare alcuni importanti esempi della città immaginata che hanno trovato collocazione nella città reale, ma hanno subito profonde modifiche che solo il disegno è in grado di narrare. Tale narrazione si presenta come immagini statiche e dinamiche capaci di rappresentare la città immaginata mettendo insieme architetture attuali con altre non tangibili

    Performance Evaluation Of Uav Photogrammetric 3D Reconstruction

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    In this work we evaluate the performance of UAV-based photogrammetry for 3D building modeling, by comparison with ground LiDAR data. In particular we show that accuracy of the photogrammetric model is in the order of 0.1m globally, and better than 0.05m for local measurements. © 2014 IEEE

    Documentation of Syrian Lost Heritage: From 3D Reconstruction to Open Information System

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    All six of the Syrian World Heritage properties were inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee, held in Cambodia in June 2014: the ancient city of Aleppo; the ancient city of Bosra; the ancient city of Damascus; the ancient villages of northern Syria, Crac des Chevaliers and Qal’at SalahEl-Din, and finally, the site of Palmyra. Apart from the ancient villages of northern Syria, Fangi has visited all the worldheritage sites and partly documented them In 2010, just before the war, Gabriele Fangi made a trip together with Crua(the Recreational Club of Ancona University) It was the occasion to ensure rapid documentation of some monumentsbelonging to the Syrian cultural heritage (CH) The images were mostly taken by Fangi The purpose was not to makea survey but to obtain a photographic report, as fast and complete as possible Nevertheless, Fangi carried out the threemost important surveys – the Aleppo minaret, the Aleppo citadel walls and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus – in arigorous manner, following the 4 × 4 CIPA rules Syria is a country of many civilisations: Amorite, Aramean, Phoenician,Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Islamic and Ottoman Consequently, it is full of cultural heritage remains Unfortunately,many of them have been destroyed by the war, as well as hundreds of thousands of civilian people having been killedHowever, some of the photographs were originally taken in such a touristic way that our work required finding someusable plotting as 3D restitutions That worked successfully most of the time These surveys could be useful in the case ofreconstruction and where there is a lack of suitable alternative forms of metric documentation We built up a database ofthe available material to organise historic information, the localisation and the state of the buildings It was the occasionto define a collection of data and store it in a dedicated database for every cultural heritage remain, to retrieve in anautomatic way a single report to link a 3D model shared in a dedicated project on the internet